Apr 19, 2008


I'm missing me some Jordyn. After spending 7 days straight with my little preciousness, I am going through a bit of withdrawal!

She fell in love with guacamole. You were her best friend if you would let her lick it off your tortilla chip.

This headband looked so darling and stayed on for about 30 seconds at a time if we were lucky!

Lunch at the club house after a day at the beach. I don't have any pictures of her laughing in the water. But she absolutely LOVED playing in the pool and in the ocean and could not wipe the smile off her face. My favorite Jordyn moment of the week was one morning when I sleepily opened my bedroom door. Jordy was down the hall, caught sight of me, and came running to me with the biggest smile until I swooped her up into my arms!! Now that's a good way to start the day - greeted by so much love.
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queenieweenie said...

Oh...she is SO CUTE!!!

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Allison said...

Your grandkids are so lucky to have you as their grandma Adie! I am so excited that those years are getting closer for me. But first let's just get through this mission thing! AAAHHHH- you know I will be calling you!

nicole said...

I am having some major Jordy withdrawals too!! But not for long.... I will be there in no time!

Amanda said...

hello, hello! your blog is the cutest! thanks for your post to mine, now i can add yours to my blog, too! looks like you guys really had a great time in costa rica. . . invite the earnests next time, would ya!? =)

Claudia said...

What a beauty she is! Isn't this grandparenting so much fun?!