Feb 13, 2008

P Day

Robby sent a disc of some pictures. LOVE IT!!!! I can't believe what a thrill it is to see my boy. It looks like his zone gets out to some incredible spots for their p-days. It truly is paradise.

This is Robby's first comp - Elder Rascano

It looks like one of the Elders climbed up the tree to pick coconuts!

Robby has mentioned how drinking coconut is one of his favorite things. In fact he sent us a cool picture last time of him in his kitchen with a machete knife and a coconut having breakfast. Problem is - he was sitting there in his garments and nothing else. So that one's not going on the blog :)

More to come later. There are a ton of cool pictures. I'll do a few at a time.

1 comment:

nicole said...

These photos are unbelievable. Robby is in a little paradise. And he looks so huge next to all the local boys! Ha!