Feb 26, 2008

"THE WALL" - minus Robby

We had so much fun watching the BYU vs. UCI games. They were very intense - although I was much more relaxed without my son on the court!! - not as exciting but not as intense for Scott and me. It was very strange to walk in and see them warm up and not catch sight of my boy. But it reminded us of the fun we have ahead of us in a couple of seasons.

Julie had the guys (Russell Holmes and Yvan Perez) pose for a "WALL" shot minus Robby. The three of them at the net were quite a threat to be reckoned with!! On Saturday we went to lunch with the players at Julie's home in Laguna Beach. It was really fun to be able to catch up with them.
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queenieweenie said...

So cute!

queenieweenie said...

Now you need to pose..."THE MOM-minus Robby"