Aug 2, 2008

Let the Games Begin!!

We enjoyed a beautiful week in Laguna Beach at the Montage as we waited out Nicole's last week of her pregnancy. Saturday night before dinner Nicole felt like she should get things checked out. While at the hospital they decided her fluids were low and they should go ahead and induce labor. Scott and I and Candice excitedly gathered up all of Nicole and Dan's things from the hotel and ran over to the hospital.
Ready or not - here we go!!!

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Carolynn and Corby said...

These pictures make me so excited to meet my baby, I love the anticipation at the hospital! It makes going through labor worth it.

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Wow a family affair.
you guys looked like you were going to Europe with all that luggage!

What an amazing event. I am so glad you could all be there. Aren't they a beautiful little family