Oct 6, 2009

Conference Color

A highlight of our conference weekend in Utah (BESIDES spending time with our Robby) was spending Saturday afternoon up at Sundance. We rode the ski lift up the mountain. You know how the young couples all hold their camera out at arm's length and get shots of themselves? Well, we realized we are TOO old for that photographic trick. Awful, fish eye shots!! Suffice it to say, the ride up was gorgeous. Then we went for a hike up in the mountains and took a steep trail to a waterfall (Stewart Falls). Then it was a 4.5 mile trek back down to Sundance. At every turn there was another glorious view. Amazing.


queenieweenie said...

there's just nothing like utah in the fall. how is robby?

nicole said...


can we go this weekend? dan keeps telling me to go on a girls trip...