Dec 6, 2008

My Flower Girls

I have been trying to occupy Jordyn lately so that Candice can have some quiet time with Tyson.  We have been to the petting zoo to ride the big horse, and yesterday we went on a field trip to the wholesale garden center in Carlsbad.

Jordyn was captivated by all the flowers.  She picked her two favorites and carried them around the whole nursery and then in her carseat for the whole ride home.

Nicole and beautiful baby Presley amidst the poinsettias.  We had such a nice time on a beautiful day.  Thank you Nicole for driving and spending the morning with me.

We ended the morning bringing lunch to Candice and getting our baby Tyson fix.

1 comment:

Quarantine Coronacation said...

What a great grandma and girlies getaway. You are making great memories with your wee grand babies Adie.

Great photos of the girls.